Health and Safety Education for
Beauty and Barber Professionals
Welcome to
Monday School

Monday, Jan 13th
Monday, Jan 27th
Monday, Feb 10th
Monday, Feb 24th
Monday, March 10th
Monday, March 24th
Monday, July 14th
Monday, July 28th
Monday, Aug 11th
Monday, Aug 25th
Monday, Sept 8th
Monday, Sept 22nd
Monday School is facilitated via Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from 11am EST - 12pm EST.
The first half-hour of Monday School is hosted by guest facilitators that include The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Women's Voices For the Earth and other affiliates and organizations. These facilitators share up-to-date information in Health, Safety and/or Sanitation that affect the beauty and barber industry.
Member-Advocates will receive .5-hours of continuing education credit for participation in the first half-hour of Monday School in the months of January through May (1st Semester) and August through November (2nd Semester). Member-Advocates have the opportunity to receive 8-hours of continuing education credit.
The second half-hour of Monday School session is facilitated by Tamara Johnson-Shealey, Senior Advocate of Politics Beauty and Barber. Tamara shares insight on legislative initiatives and works directly with Member-Advocates to initiate state and national call-to-actions.
Access to Monday School is only granted with a paid membership and Continuing Education Certificates are mailed to Member-Advocates in May and December.